Sunday, September 27, 2015

No one can replace you

       A person came to a teacher and requested him to let him know the value of life. The  teacher gave him a stone and asked him to confirm its market value, but there is a condition, you will not sell it.
He went to a vegetable vendor on the street and the vendor agreed to exchange the shining stone with a large bag of potatoes, but he refused to sell it as he was asked to do so by the teacher.
He went to a jewelry store to confirm the market value of the stone, to his surprise the jeweler valued the same shining stone with a price of 50 Lakhs and insisted him to sell those. He didn't sold it.
He now went to a diamond merchant to know the market value of the stone. The merchant was surprised and kept asking him about the source of the stone, he said that this is the precious ruby stone. After saying that he kept it on a red cloth, bowed down and later started circumambulating around that.
The  person came to the teacher, shared all his experiences with him and requested him to answer his question. To which he replied as

You went to a orange seller, he valued the stone = 12 0ranges 
The vegetable vendor, valued =  A large bag of potatoes
Jeweler valued it as 50 Lakhs
Diamond merchant said it is - Precious 

Similar is your human value. Undoubtedly you are a diamond but the person who is evaluating you will evaluate you depending upon his position, information, status and motive. Do not worry, you will get someone who will value you appropriately.

Respect yourself,
you too are unique,
no one can replace you.

Monday, July 6, 2015


The following post shows the implementation of basic gates using 2:1 mux! 
It helps often in written tests and interview process! 
The idea can be extended to implement other logics like full adder, half adder and also to multiplying logic!