Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I was at the sixth floor of my hostel...........

                                                                I was at the sixth floor of my hostel. 
It was almost midnight. By this time, most of the people might not be sleeping. But majority of them might be trying hard to sleep. We get up at 5 in the morning and sleep at 10 in the night. And, the rest of our lives just revolve around EAMCET, IIT and BITS. It’s been one year since I came to this place and I need to be here for another year. May be, I need to stay here for longer duration because I’d already failed in two subjects and I wasn’t sure whether I’d pass all the subjects in the second year. I was sure that I wouldn’t be in Engineering and that reason was enough for me to end my life. That was why I was at the terrace of my hostel.
One step ahead will end my life. How simple is Death!! But it takes lot of courage for that one simple step. After struggling hard for about 5-10 minutes, I finally decided to step ahead. And like hell lot of other stories, someone stopped me from doing it. When I looked back, I could see an old man
smiling at me. He looked calm and his smile was awesome.
“Congratulations!” he said offering me a warm handshake. 
“For?” I said rejecting the handshake.

“Because you’ve got few more minutes to live in this world. Congratulations for the bonus life!!” he said smiling at me.
“This is not the time for jokes. And, who are you?” I asked. I asked him because I’ve never seen him before.
“I am being called as God.” He said.

“So, are you God?” I asked with a bit of sarcasm.

“If that’s the name with which you wish to call me, then I’m the God.”

“I can’t argue with you. If you have anything to say to me, then do it and go away.”

“I don’t have anything to tell you. But I know that you have something to tell me,” he said.

“I don’t have anything to share with a stranger,” I said and turned around. I tried jumping from the building but surprisingly, I couldn’t do it. Some force was stopping me from doing it.

“You can’t do it. I already told you that you have got a bonus life,” he said.
“Okay. Tell me… what do you want me to tell you?”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I want to die because I don’t have anything to do here in this world. I failed in two subjects. My father went bankrupt. My mother doesn’t love me anymore. My girl friend left me. I don’t even have friends. If you were in my place, you would have done the same thing,” I said. I did not know why I told him all these things.
He was just listening to it. I continued:
“If I were you, I would have been sleeping by now.” He told me.

“If I were you, I would have saved people from suffering.” I screamed.

There was no reaction in His face.

“Happiness without suffering is same as mere suffering. Success without failure is just the same as failure. After all, how do you differentiate success from failure if you haven’t faced failure in your life? You don’t know what’s in store for you tomorrow. You’ll get a call from your girlfriend in 5 minutes. And in the sixth minute, you’ll regret for what you are doing now.” He said and disappeared.

There was none at the terrace and I was nervous. And suddenly, my phone rang. I took my phone out of my pocket and it was from her.
“Hello!” I said.
“I’m Sorry… and I Love you…” she said.

I couldn’t understand what was going on. I started searching for Him but couldn’t find him. I felt like God has finally granted me happiness. I was about to tell her that I love you when I suddenly realized that I was on the edge of the wall in the terrace and I got slipped.

“What God! Why are you doing this to me?” I screamed. I was in the mid air on my way to the ground. Falling from sixth floor will guarantee you with death. After few seconds of travel, I finally fell on ground. With blurred vision, I could see Him.

“Thus ends your bonus life!” He said.

“God… I want to live” I said.

He did not answer me. Slowly, my eyes were getting closed…
*    *    *

I got up from my bed. I looked around. My roommates were sleeping.
“What a dream!” I said to myself.
I looked at the letter I’ve written few hours back. I read it again and threw it into the dustbin and said,  “Thanks a lot, God…”

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