Sunday, February 3, 2013

Creating a ZigBee Smart Energy Device with the MSP430F54xx and the CC2530-ZNP (ZigBee Pro Network Processor)

The paper describes how to create a ZigBee Smart Energy Device using the MSP430F54xx as the host application processor to the CC2530-ZNP (ZigBee Pro Network Processor). The physical interface between the MSP430 and the CC2530-ZNP is discussed, as well as the software application framework used to drive the CC2530-ZNP. This paper assumes that the reader is familiar with basic ZigBee concepts and terminology.
The CC2530-ZNP contains the core ZigBee Pro stack and exposes API interfaces to the host processor for configuration of the stack and data transfer. In the sample application installer that is provided by TI, these APIs are abstracted by an application framework called the ZAP (ZigBee Application Processor) framework, which makes it easy for an application developer to write sophisticated ZigBee Smart Energy applications, among others (e.g., Home Automation and manufacturer-specific profiles). TI has provided an extensive framework to make application development easy and thus re-use of this application framework is highly encouraged. However, for application developers that choose to use the CC2530-ZNP but still want to build their application framework from the ground up, the ZigBee Smart Energy sample application suite serves as great reference code of how to interface with the CC2530-ZNP.

click here for the complete details..

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