Sunday, February 3, 2013

Online Resources

Have you ever wondered that there are a lot of virtual resources available on the internet? The present age is an age of ‘CLOUD’. No need to have own pc, no need to buy a software and no need to install it, if you want to work with it. Without having all the above (PC, software and installation) you can get the things done. Yes! Its 100 % true. Here are some examples.

  1.  To give a presentation you need to have Microsoft office and a pen drive to carry it. But using the CLOUD resources like GOOGLE DRIVE and SKY DRIVE (from Microsoft) you can do it online and store it in the cloud. You can access the doc from anywhere and at any time, provided you have an account.
  2. Sometimes we want to test a circuit or suppose we want to know the working of a circuit, we need to buy all the components and test it physically. And a small change/ damage to any component will lead to faulty results. But using some software you can do it virtually and get the results. But the software needed may be too costly and you need to pay a lot to get access to it.  How about having a virtual software that doesn’t require any buying and installation but still serves our needs?  Isn’t it a great thought? Of course someone like you and me had thought about it before us and came up with a new ONLINE CIRCUITSIMULATOR

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